القصة الكاملة
اسمي سعيد دراوشة. أنا حاصل على شهادة البورد في الطب الباطني والسكري والغدد الصماء
أمارس الطب في إسرائيل ولدي سنوات عديدة من الخبرة.
وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فأنا ناشط في مجال البحث الطبي والتعليم.
أسعى جاهداً للتأثير على مرضاي بشكل إيجابي من خلال توفير الرعاية الصحية المهنية وفي الوقت المناسب.

المشورة الطبية الجيدة ليست رخيصة ومتوفرة بسهولة ، من خلال مبادرتنا نريد تقديم استشارة طبية بأسعار معقولة مع استجابات سريعة.
نعتقد أن الاستشارات المكتوبة يمكن أن تحدث ثورة في هذا المجال.

Curriculum vitae
Current Employer:
Internal Medicine Department D, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel
Endocrinology consultant, Clalit Medical Services, Northern District
2022- Current Endocrinologist – Clalit medical services, northern district.
2018- Current Senior Doctor –Internal Medicine Department D, Rambam Health Institution-Haifa, Israel
2018- 2022 Resident–Diabetes and Endocrinology Department, Rambam health Institution-Haifa, Israel
2018 Internal Medicine Specialist Degree
2017 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, Magen David Adom in Israel
2016 Advanced Diabetes mellitus training, the College of Advanced Studies, Technion –Haifa
2015 Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Catheter Insertion, Rambam Knowledge Center-Haifa
2015 GCP certificate, medical faculty, Technion -Haifa
2014-2018 Internal medicine Intern, Internal Medicine Department D, Rambam Health Institution-Haifa
2013 Medical trainee in Rambam Medical Center - Haifa
2011-2018 USMLE step 1, step 2 CK+CS, Step 3, acquired ECFMG degree
2006- 2012 the Faculty of Medicine Pécs-Hungary - Graduation with Cum Laude Degree
2014- current clinical instructor in internal medicine for undergraduate medical students Technion-Haifa
2022- current Endocrinology supervisor and lecturer of the International medical program- Rappaport Medical Faculty-Haifa
2021 – present Guest lecturer in the advanced nursing education, Technion- Haifa
2013 Medical trainee in Rambam Medical Center - Haifa
2014 -2018 Internal medicine residency, Internal medicine ward D, Rambam Medical Center - Haifa
2018 –current Attending Physician, Internal Medicine Ward D, Rambam Medical Center - Haifa
2018-2021 Endocrinology resident, Institute of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Rambam Medical Center – Haifa
2022- current certified Endocrinologist, Clalit Medical Services, Northern District
MD Theses:
2012- HIV and immigration in the state of Israel, Medical, instructor: Dr Tigyi Zoltan, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Pecs Medical School, Hungary
Original Articles
1-Said Darawshi , Hiba Yaseen, Yuri Gorelik , Caroline Faor, Auryan Szalat, Zaid Abassi , Samuel N Heyman , Mogher Khamaisi
Biomarker evidence for distal tubular damage but cortical sparing in hospitalized diabetic patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) while on SGLT2 inhibitors. Ren Fail . 2020 Nov;42(1):836-844. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2020.1801466.
2-Yuri Gorelik. , Said Darawshi, Hiba Yaseen, Zaid Abassi, Samuel N. Heyman, Mogher Khamaisi, Acute renal failure following near-drowning, Kidney Int Rep. 2018 Mar 1;3(4):833-840. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2018.02.007.
3-Majd Qasum, Samia Massalha, Erez Marcusohn, Adi Elias, Said Darawshi, Robert Zukermann,
Coronary computed tomography angiography in the evaluation of acute chest pain in patients with elevated high sensitive cardiac troponin I (hs-cTn) level,
American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice, Volume 27,2023,
4-Nakhleh A, Mazareeb J, Darawshi S, Masri A, Shehadeh N.
Safety and Effectiveness of Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter 2 Inhibitors on Glycemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Fasting during Ramadan: A Review. Clin Med Insights Endocrinol Diabetes. 2024 Mar 14;17:11795514241238058. doi: 10.1177/11795514241238058. PMID: 38495948; PMCID: PMC10943741.
Case Reports
Majd Qasum, Samuel N. Heyman, Jasmin Khateeb, Muhammad Abu-Arisha, Said Darawshi, Gilad Amiel, Mogher Khamaisi, Severe hyperkalemia following ureteroileostomy: A case report and literature review, Case Reports in Internal Medicine, 2018 http://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/crim/article/view/12776/7998
Darawshi, S., Darawshi, M., & Daoud Naccache, D. (2022). Unusual hypocalcaemia in breast cancer relapse with multiple bone metastasis, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports, 2022, 20-0222. from https://edm.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/edm/2022/1/EDM20-0222.xml
Darawshi S, Shehadeh N, Michal W Sagie, Nakhleh A. (2023) “Neurologic Manifestations of Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia: A Case Report.” Case Reports International Journal, 1(1); DOI: http;//doi.org/10.2023/12.1001.
2015-current clinical instructor undergraduate medical students, introduction to clinical practice, physical examination and medical history taking, Technion medical school-Haifa
2014 –Current instructor of medical students in Internal medicine rounds in Internal Medicine Department D in Rambam Medical Center
2022- current Endocrinology supervisor of the International medical program- Rappaport medical faculty-Haifa
2006-2012 Member of the foreign student council of Pecs Medical University -Hungary
2007-2012 Representative of foreign medical students in the Pecs University -Hungary
2010-2011 The chairman of the Socio-educational committee of the medical faculty -Pecs/Hungary
2010-2011 The chairman of the General Counsel of the Pecs medical faculty Hungary
2011 The financial secretary of the Foreign student council, Pecs medical faculty, Hungary
2013- Israeli Medical Association
2014- Israel society of internal medicine
2012- Graduation cum Laude Degree from the Faculty of Medicine Pécs-Hungary
2016 Excellent Tutor degree, Technion medical school-Haifa
2017 Excellent Tutor degree, Technion medical school-Haifa
2019 Excellent Tutor degree, Technion medical school-Haifa
2020 Excellent Tutor degree, Technion medical school-Haifa
2021 Excellent Tutor degree, Technion medical school-Haifa
9. Conferences:
Poster: The effect of hypokalemia during the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. A retrospective, single-center analysis- EASD Annual Meeting 2023 in Hamburg